Boycott Old Navy

I hate those new Old navy commercials. In fact, I hated the old ones, too. Now they fucking sing because it's time for the holidays! You know what I hate the most? The fucking little prick in the middle. Yeah, everyone knows the little shit I'm talking about. They're all smiling too and that pisses me off for two reasons: 1. their teeth are fucking whiter than a polar bear scratching his ass in the snow, and 2. it means they're fucking happy about singing on an Old Navy commercial.

First off, kids shouldn't be in commercials, it reminds us all of how much we hate kids. I bet that little shit wants a new PlayStation 2 and a fucking RC Cadillac Escalade and I don't give a shit. He's just fucking greedy. Then, at the end of every fucking mini-musical, he has some cute little line he sputters off out of his $3,000 mouth (because he couldn't just knock his fucking teeth into place like I did when I was a kid, he needed braces). One of the lines he voluntarily says is something about bringing back warmers. Fucking warmers. Kid can't be fucking happy with a coat and a damn pair of jeans like the rest of us, no, he has to bring up our past and we all know there's nothing but BAD in our past.

I had a good friend once whose mom went blind. An old navy commercial came on and she said, "I'm blind and even I can see that this commercial's stupid." Good job assholes, you're even reaching the blind community.

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