The Day After Tomorrow will rock your socks. Off.

I bet you can't outrun a 200 foot tidal wave. Pussy.

    I saw this movie the other day and I thought, "Wow, this movie has everything but naked lesbians." It was great, every scene change was a totally new catastrophe hitting a major city/landmark. Some little Tokyian gets beaten down by hail, the Hollywood sign is destroyed by a tornado, as well as the rest of Los Angeles, and New York City is flooded to about 70 feet by a giant tidal wave.

    The plot is pretty simple. The idiots of planet Earth (Us) have been using fossil fuels too long and too excessively causing a global warming effect. This causes the ice caps to melt releasing a large amount of fresh water into our worlds oceans, in effect throwing off the Earth's natural currents. It's not a big deal until it brings about three ginormous blizzarcanes (my new word) that sends us into the next Ice Age.

    Unfortunately for the rest of us, the only person who can see it coming is the only man who can't stop it: Dennis Quaid. He pleas with the stubborn, ignorant, and very well played fuckhead Vice President, to make long term preparations and to evacuate the northern part of the USA. Well, it wouldn't have been a movie if he'd have believed Quaid, thus about 15 million Americans died because of the Vice President's ignorance.

    With the awesome CGI effects, the couple of hot chicks, the constant destruction and people getting killed by flying billboards, this movie rocked. Maybe we'll even learn something from it and make some better cars so I will get to stop paying astronomical prices for gas (which, at time of writing, are actually going down right now).

The defining moment(actually two):

"I haven't bathed since Ghostbusters II!"
"Don't panic. Most people can outrun tsunamis, anyway."

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